Tuesday, 27 September 2011

If at first you don't succeed . . . . . .

Meet Mavis.

"Hello Mavis."

Mavis has been trying so hard to fly. 
All the other birds can fly, so why cant she? 

With a run and a skip . . . . .

 . . . and a bump and a skid, yet again, 
Mavis just could not fly!

But as with many things, we all just need to hear that extra bit of extra encouragement to boost us, or find that extra bit of determination to drive us, and allow that "just one more go," attitude to take over!

Sammy has found that he also needs a lot of determination at times. He has found that at times he is always getting knock backs, or picking himself up and trying again. Sometimes all he wants to do is curl up and hide away, but he knows that only HE can make this happen, whatever the challenge is, whether it be large or small, and so with an extra bit of self determination, and with one last big boost of 

"GO FOR IT," believe . . . . . 

 . . . . You can do it! 

 and all by yourself! 

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Which way shall I go?

Which way shall I go?

Often as we journey through life and our everyday activities, 
we come across options, and decisions all the time. 

Some as simple as, 
"Do I post this letter before or after work?" 
"Do I join the queue in the supermarket on the right or the left of the shop?" 
"Shall I walk or take the bus today?"
"Shall I wear trousers or a skirt today?"

Even these simple choices, can then effect our day. We may then bump into someone that we haven't seen in a while if we take a different route, or if we delay our journey by that extra 10 mins we may get stuck out in the rain for example, possibly then effecting the choice we then make when we get in at the end of the day, such as, 

"Do I cook home made casserole today, or the quick under the grill fish fingers option?" 

Other choices that we may make, will effect us and others around us in a much greater way. Perhaps regarding a decision at work, or an arrangement with a friend or an issue around money. 

It may be as small as 

"Do I buy that luxury item that I cant really afford, but that I have wanted for ages, 
or do I wait and save up for it?" 

Or a life changing decision as large as the next house you may buy, or the choice to marry or not?

Making a choice or a decision can seem pressured at times, or it can seem very exciting and out of the blue. From experience Id say go with your gut feeling, as its often then that even though it may not be the easiest route or the best choice at the time, is often the one that you know in your heart of hearts you are best going with. 

A page from my new book with Nord-Sud Books, "Mother Hens Important Day"

This blog isn't meant to be deep and meaningful, its not to offer advice or to seem wise, Its just that when looking through my portfolio of work, I fell upon this first image of the duck, and I thought . . . ,

If he turned right and walked through the village that way, 
his day may be very different from if he turned left and walked that way. 

Not necessarily any better or any worse, but just different. 
Different in view, different in timing, and different in his encounters.  

and on that note I am going to make the decision to have a cup of tea!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

We are all different

As we all know, we all come in different shapes and sizes, 
and wouldn't it be a dull world if we didn't?

We are all different in many ways, and think and feel different things from those around us.

We may appear elegant, well groomed and slightly aloof;

or we may be very affectionate, and always keen on being around others;

Some of us may just enjoy a more chilled out lifestyle;

Or we may be more reserved and reflective about life;

But I'm sure that most of us have a mischievous streak in us too!

Bye bye!!

Cats with Attitude Prints


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The temptation of some foods

Ever opened the fridge and gazed longingly into it, 
wishing for that one extra exciting bit of yummy. . . . . ?


or leftover pizza that you know you shouldn't have,

or the cold sausage from yesterdays tea, lurking on its own, crying out to be made into a sarnie,

the last dregs of orange juice in the carton almost ready to be recycled,

the yogurt you started yesterday then covered with cling film for later, 

the end of a piece of cheese, in need of some pickle, 

a leg of roast chicken, awaiting a dribble of salad cream,

oh, and did I mention chocolate?

Just because some of us cant always eat certain foods, this most certainly does not mean that we do not crave them, or wish longingly that we could just risk a teeny tiny bit of that scared food!

For poor Sammy that food is nuts! The one thing that all the other squirrels happily eat much of, but this is not possible for Sammy. For Sammy, one simple tempting nut, is a very risky thing!

For myself that food is sugar, and you would be surprised how many areas that covers. 

NO chocolate, (or certainly not the kind most of you will be familiar with Im sure,) 

and no sugar means, no refined foods, all those white foods that we take for granted, the white bread, the white pasta, the cereals, the pizza bases, the humble potato and therefore the chip! The puddings and desserts, the cakes and the biscuits, the fruit and the fruit juices, and worst of all . . . . . . 

. . . . . . . . . THE MALTESER!!!!!

Are you ever tempted by foods that you know your shouldn't eat?